Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Music 173: Creative Mixing and Editing
Instructor: Prof. Shlomo Dubnov sdubnov@ucsd.edu
Office Hours: Thu. 2-3, CPMC 250
TAs: Jacob Sudol, Kyle Johnson
jsudol@ucsd.edu, kyjohnso@ucsd.edu

Course Website:

Course Description:
The course teaches the basics of using DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) for creative production, with emphasis on critical listening and hands on composition projects. We will learn to use DAW with focus on Ableton tools and tricks. The hands on projects include processing of sound and creating sound effects, arrangement and remixing, and experimenting with electroacoustic and more traditional compositions. Students will also be trained in new ways of listening to abstract sounds and concepts of sound morphology and composition design.

NOTE: This is not a mastering / post production studio course, and it is not about using protools, studio techniques or using multi-track recording consoles. People specifically interested in the recording engineering track should consider the 174 sequence.

Assignments and quizes:
There will be 5 assignments, 2 quizes, 2 composition projects and final presentation.

Assign. 1 - Sound Walk
Assign. 2 - Foley Sounds and Creative Effects
Assign. 3 - Simple arrangement, working with warping, midi map, recording
Assign. 4 - Setting DJ Environment, Arranging with Changing Tempo
Assign. 5 - Working with Dummy Clips in Audio, Dummy Midi Control Clips
Proj. 1 - Abstract Electro-acoustic Composition
Proj. 2 - Traditional Tonal / Metric Composition
Final presentation

Quiz 1 - Ableton Basics: Arrangement, Session, Library, Signal Chain, Instruments
Quiz 2 - Clip View: Automation, Envelope, Track Freeze, Dummy Tracks, Effects, Side Chaining. IAC Driver Settings, Remote MIDI Assignments

Week 1: A. 1
Week 2: A. 2
Week 3: A. 3
Week 4: P.1,
Week 5: Q.1
Week 6: A.4
Week 7: A. 5
Week 8: P. 2
Week. 9: Q. 2
Week 10: FP

Assignments: 6% (Total 30%)
Projects: 20% (Total 40%)
Quizzes: 10% (Total 20%)
Final Presentation: 10%

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